They say there are only two things you can be sure of in life: death and taxes. You might add to that postage rate increases.
In October, the USPS filed a notice with the Postal Regulatory Committee to change mailing services prices to take effect Jan. 26. 2020.
Rate change to affect parcel pricing, not First Class letters
According to the USPS, the price increase will not affect First Class letter pricing, presently $.50 for metered mail and $.55 for stamped, but will raise mailing service product prices by approximately 1.9 percent. Priority Mail Express, for example, will increase 3.5 around percent and Priority Mail, around 4.1 percent.
The USPS said the price increases are "based on the Consumer Price Index, Shipping Services prices are primarily adjusted according to market conditions."
The good news is, your First Class letter pricing will stay the same.
Still using stamps? Save 5 cents in postage per First Class letter!
The better news is, these price changes are not totally out of your control. If your business is still using traditional postage for those outbound bills, notices, holiday letters and so on, you can save 5 cents per piece mailed by switchining to using a postage meter and metered mail instead.
Just think about how many regular first class letter, 1-ounce mailings your organization does every month.
If that's more than 579 pieces of first class mail per month — 30 pieces per day — multiply that by the 5 cents you save per mail piece by using a digital mail meter. That's $28.95 in savings every month! That savings could pay for a monthly mail meter rental with us (with FP’s PostBase on a 24 to 30 month lease)!
Additonally, with a mail meter like the PostBase being able to process 30 letters a minute, you can complete your mailroom tasks in no time and with little to no cost to you — and come out ahead when you factor in cost of labor!
There are a couple of other benefits with going with your own postage meter. You can read abou those here.
If you are interested taking back a little bit of control in the cost of postage and in seeing what kind of savings metered mail can bring you, we'll be happy to talk with you.
Just click on the red button below, fill out the form and send it. One of our representatives will contact you right away.
About R.K. Black, Inc.
R.K. Black, Inc. is an Oklahoma City-based, family-owned leading provider of office technology solutions to small and medium-sized businesses in Oklahoma and Kansas. We specialize in everything business technology from copier, fax, printer and scanner technology to document management, onsite paper shredding services, VoIP phone systems and managed IT support to video surveillance solutions.
If you want to learn more about us, feel free to explore the website, read our other blogs or click the button below to be contacted by one of our reps and tell you! Also, be sure to keep watching our social media channels on Facebook and Twitter for more business tips from our blog.