Oklahoma this week has not only been treated with actual fall weather — though arriving quite late this year — and the fall colors those temperatures bring, but also a stellar view of the moon in our clear skies.
You've probably seen pictures of the "super moon" all over your Facebook newsfeed, and perhaps on your favorite news sites, so we decided to share some of our photos too! One of our associates snapped these photos of the super moon as it hung over Edmond and Oklahoma City skies and shared them with us.
So we're sharing them with you, and not just for your to look at, but to download and use as wallpapers for your desktop monitors or perhaps on your mobile devices if you are so inclined. If you like, you can even print them to adorn your office cubicle wall. How is that for sharing?
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The Photos: (Click image to view/download high quality photo)
Below: The Super Moon Over Edmond / Taken November 14, 2016
Below: The Waning Super Moon Over Downtown OKC / Taken November 16, 2016
Below: The Waning Super Moon Over R.K. Black HQ's Autumn Trees / Taken November 16, 2016
Was there an image you liked? Simply click on the photograph you like. Doing so will open a 1920 × 1275 image which you are then free to copy or download. Enjoy!
So now that you've got your photos, here's some extra information on the super moon and what it's all about.
Thanks to its slightly elliptical orbit, the moon routinely draws closer to Earth and falls away as it goes around the planet. At times, the drawing close and the full moon phase happen to coincide, giving us an apparently larger full moon. This happened last October and again Monday morning but in a much bigger way — literally. What made this time different was the moon was at the point in its orbit to when it is closest to Earth — giving us the "super-sized" moon or super moon, as it is called.
According to NASA, at this point, the moon can be as much as 14 percent closer to Earth, making it look 14 percent larger, and shine 30 percent more than when at apogee.
Though Monday's super moon was the closest full moon this year and there won't be another one like it until November 25, 2034, there will be larger-than-usual moon next month. So set your calendar to December 14 so you can join the lunacy and snap some pictures of own. If you do tag post them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, tag us! We'd love to see it.
Here is a phenomenal photograph of the super moon over downtown Oklahoma City taken by a former NBA photographer for the Oklahoma City Thunder. As we are the official office technology solutions provider for the Thunder, we supported Richard Rowe as well.
Oh, and just a quick hint on nighttime sky photography, when taking pictures of the moon, it's best and easiest to use a tripod and set your camera on a timer or use a remote shutter actuator. This will help you avoid camera shake and a blurry image.
*If you're interested in learning what we mean by "R.K. Black, Inc.: Technology Solutions that Work" , feel free to explore the website, read our other blogs or click the button below to be contacted by one of our reps and tell you! Also, be sure to keep watching our social media channels on Facebook and Twitter for more business tips from our blog.