Our brand colors are red, black and white — but we are green too. Yes, we know. Lots of companies say they’re green, but we are not just saying it — we really are.
For us, being green is just a matter of good stewardship of our planet and the resources it provides us.
Here are three ways that RK Black actively works to preserve our environment.
We reduce our energy and resource consumption by
- Using EnergyStar appliances,
- Lighting our offices and workspaces with electricity-sipping fluorescent bulbs and LEDs,
- Turning off lights and equipment in unoccupied areas,
- Reducing paper by communicating electronically as much as possible, and
- Utilizing the internet for meetings, software-related service calls and training.
The devices we sell and service are EnergyStar qualified and use 10 to 50 percent less energy than the non-EnergyStar designated products of the same categories.
Additionally, not to mention our IT services offering which help to reduce printer and paper usage, we promote and offer such resource- and cost-saving measures as managed print services which can help our clients decrease their use of paper, toner and other consumables while still meeting their needs.
Furthermore, some years ago we replaced our fleet of service vehicles with nearly two-dozen hybrid automobiles, significantly reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. We also added two CNG trucks to our delivery fleet, taking advantage of domestic, cleaner energy.
As reusing means to find new ways of using older items, we do exactly that. We reuse our packaging, pallets and boxes and resell and donate refurbished equipment.
Recycling turns used items back into raw materials to be transformed into new products. Though resource saving, of the “three Rs” (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), recycling demands the most for resources as it requires transportation and manufacturing. That’s why reducing and reusing is vitally important in saving resources.
We recycle our aluminum cans, bottles, excess shipping cartons and cardboard boxes and shredded paper. But not only do we recycle our shredded paper, but we help our clients in doing so as well through our shredding services offering. Our mobile shred units provide onsite document destruction services, whether one-time purges or regularly scheduled, helping our clients to preserve their security while saving natural resources.
As according to one study each ton of recycled paper amounts to 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4,000 kilowatts of energy and 7,000 gallons of water saved, with our shredding services, we’ve made an impressive mark when it comes to resources saved by recycling paper.
Over the course of our years offering shredding services, we have shredded and recycled more than 3,537 tons of paper. Do the math and that’s more than 60,000 trees saved — not to mention all the water, oil and other resources!
Now when it comes to recycling toner bottles and cartridges, most manufacturers have their own programs for collecting, recycling or remanufacturing those items. For more information on those programs, click on the brands below for that brand's respective program and to learn how you can recycle your used toner bottles and cartridges with them.
Hopefully, you can see we truly are a green company in so many ways. Join us in helping ensure a brighter, greener tomorrow for our planet and our fellow inhabitants.
About R.K. Black, Inc.
R.K. Black, Inc. is an Oklahoma City-based, family-owned leading provider of office technology solutions to businesses in Oklahoma and Kansas. We specialize in everything business technology from copier, fax, printer and scanner technology to document management, onsite paper shredding services, VoIP phone systems and managed IT support to video surveillance solutions.
If you want to learn more about us, feel free to explore the website, read our other blogs or click the button below to be contacted by one of our reps and tell you! Also, be sure to keep watching our social media channels on Facebook and Twitter for more business tips from our blog.