Meters and toners and phone calls ... Oh my! Meters and toners and emails … Oh my! That’s what managing a fleet of copiers and printers can feel like, right? You know, your office technology provider seemingly daily calling or emailing you asking for device meter readings. Your copiers running out of toners causing you to scramble and call your suppliers and hope the toner arrives in time for that big project?
If this at all sounds familiar, we’ve got good news for you! No longer does navigating the woods of copiers, printers, supplies and billing need to be such a daunting task.
Let RK Black do the work!
RK Black’s Easy Automatic Supply and Reporting (EASR) program can eliminate the emails, the phone calls, the scrambling for toner supplies and the anxious waiting for the next toner shipments.
If your company has copiers and printers on an active contract with RK Black and supplies are included, a simple software program installed on your network will take care of all those hassles for you.
Our new EASR software will automatically send meters, eradicating any need for those pesky meter calls or emails, will keep track of toner supplies in your copiers and will automatically order new toners to be shipped to your address when supplies run low. Occasionally, when you have unusually large printing projects planned, you may have to order toner to make sure you don't run out later as our EASR software makes orders based on current toner supply levels and average monthly volumes. Under normal use, however, you would no longer have to keep track of or order toner supplies.
In addition to receiving an email giving you status updates on toner orders, you can log in to our new customer portal to see your order status there as well.
Requirements for using the automated program
So what do you need to have the software work for you? You need:
Copiers and printers on an active contract with RK Black with supplies included
Copiers and printers on a common network
An Internet-connected server or computer on the same network to play as host to the software
Once the software is installed on your network, the software will send copier and printer data directly back to our server so we can serve you even better.
Just so you know, the software does not collect, view or save any confidential data, but collects only printer and copier-related data. This data is encrypted and sent over HTTP(s) protocol, ensuring your network’s safety and security.
Let's get started!
If you are interested in having the software installed on your network and letting technology do the work for you, call 405-943-9800 or email us at cac@rkblack.com and we’ll set you up!
About R.K. Black, Inc.
R.K. Black, Inc. is an Oklahoma City-based, family-owned leading provider of office technology solutions to businesses in Oklahoma and Kansas. We specialize in everything business technology from copier, fax, printer and scanner technology to document management, onsite paper shredding services, VoIP phone systems and managed IT support to video surveillance solutions.
If you want to learn more about us, feel free to explore the website, read our other blogs or click the button below to be contacted by one of our reps and tell you! Also, be sure to keep watching our social media channels on Facebook and Twitter for more business tips from our blog.