It’s time to talk about your printing environment. Whether you are a grade school or a university, you know the challenges of maintaining your printers, keeping them supplied, preventing waste and doing all of this within a budget.
It means keeping inventory, maintaining all of your printers and copiers, checking your supplies (paper, toner, ink cartridges) for each of device, cycling your stock so you don’t go past expirations and keeping track of expenses and dealing with surprise expenses as equipment goes down. It can be a real juggling act, right?
The good news is, it doesn’t have to be.
You can team up with your local managed print services provider and let them handle all of that for you, allowing you to get back to maintaining other aspects of your network and technology while saving you time and money. They’ll not only handle the juggling, they’ll turn your print environment into a smoothly and efficiently operating machine. How? By bringing in better technology if necessary, streamlining processes and reducing overall print environment-related costs.
Sure, you could go with the break-fix route with your local copier company, but you’ll still end up with unexpected costs with ebbing and flowing of consumable costs and repairs, making costs unpredictable.
That’s why managed print is the way to go. Here are seven benefits of going with a managed print solution for your institution of learning.
Updated technology
If your school’s printing environment is like what’s found in most schools, you have an armada of printers — some inkjet, some laser, some multifunction and some single, all of differing brands — and they are scattered throughout your buildings and campus, some in the classrooms, libraries, offices, lounges, hallways and no doubt, in the computer labs.
If your managed services provider is like RK Black, they will take inventory of all of this, conduct a study of how and where they are used and come back with a plan to consolidate your fleet, place devices where they will be used most efficiently and conveniently, standardize your technology, providing copier or printer upgrades and placing them where they would be most efficiently used.
No upfront investment
You don’t need to come up with all the funds to pay before you started. If you do need new equipment for upgrades, that initial cost for those devices will be rolled into your scheduled payments, making your costs bearable and consistent.
No unexpected costs in device repair or labor
Those regularly scheduled payments mentioned above? Yes, they take care of repair costs as well. Again, you don’t need to sweat it because your provider will take all of that on for you as part of your regular payment.
No or little device down time
Your provider will monitor your devices and will take whatever action necessary to keep your printing environment running, working to prevent problems before they happen. If something does happen, they’ll know about it and will fix it right away. Some providers, like RK Black, have a loaner program in case your devices do experience a catastrophic failure, and need to spend time in the “break room.”
Reduced cost per printed page
As it’s in your provider’s best interest to keep costs low, so your costs will be low too.
No toner costs
As with costs associated with printer upgrades, copier repairs, labor and such, your toner cost will be rolled into your regular payment, making your cost predictable.
More productivity
As under managed print services you won’t have hardly any downtime, if it all, and your devices will be catered toward you needs, both in abilities and placement, you can expect to see fewer lines and more productivity out of your fellow staff and happier students.
It’s for these reasons many schools and universities alike are opting for managed print services for their print environments.
To sum it up going MPS leaves your school staff and your IT staff with one less thing to manage, while keeping your administrative staff, teachers and students happy and doing what they are at your institution to do.
If you are interested in bringing MPS to your school or learning more about it, click the red button below, fill out the form, send it and we’ll have someone reach out to you. It’s as easy as that!
About R.K. Black, Inc.
R.K. Black, Inc. is an Oklahoma City-based, family-owned leading provider of office technology solutions to small and medium-sized businesses in Oklahoma and Kansas. We specialize in everything business technology from copier, fax, printer and scanner technology to document management, onsite paper shredding services, VoIP phone systems and managed IT support to video surveillance solutions.
If you want to learn more about us, feel free to explore the website, read our other blogs or click the button below to be contacted by one of our reps and tell you! Also, be sure to keep watching our social media channels on Facebook and Twitter for more business tips from our blog.